Mark Foley's DIT Lecture Notes:
Web Mapping

GIS Web & mobile application developemnt using (mainly) JavaScript frameworks such as Leaflet and OpenLayers. Further details on the module can be found here. This is the "official" syllabus which doesn't change too often. The module as delivered will be adjusted to reflect advances in the body of knowledge and the technologies associated with the subject.

Web mapping is the process of designing, implementing, generating and delivering maps on the World Wide Web. This module essentially covers two areas (i) a review basic web development and (ii) the aspects of web development specific to GIS. We also look at the architecture and implementation of the web infrastructure to support Web Mapping such as Geoserver, PostGIS and associated technologies.

This page provides access to notes and other material that we'll be using in class. The module content is built around the idea of "topics". These correspond roughly but not exactly to weeks. In other words, we may not finish a topic in any given week or we may cover more than one topic in any given week.

This list will be expanded as the semester progresses.


Reading List