Geographic Information Systems
Data Analysis

Mark Foley

Learning Objectives

Example questions for GIS analysis

Raster GIS measurements: (a) Pythagorean distance, (b) Manhattan distance, (c) proximity distances and (d) perimeter and area

Raster GIS measurements: (a) Pythagorean distance, (b) Manhattan distance, (c) proximity distances and (d) perimeter and area

House hunting case study: distance from office calculated using proximity method

House hunting case study: distance from office calculated using proximity method

Vector GIS measurements: (a) distance and (b) area

Vector GIS measurements: (a) distance and (b) area

Boolean operators: Venn diagrams

Boolean operators: Venn diagrams

Spatial Query(PostGIS examples)

select a.saps_label from localauthorities a, localauthorities b 
    where st_touches(a.the_geom, b.the_geom) 
    and b.saps_label like '%Kerry%';
select astext(the_geom), classdesc from archeology 
    where classdesc like '%Castle%';
Buffer zones around (a) point, (b) line and (c) area features

Buffer zones around (a) point, (b) line and (c) area features

House hunting case study: distance from office adjusted for road network

House hunting case study: distance from office adjusted for road network

Radioactive waste case study: 3 km buffer zones (blue) around the rail network (red)

Radioactive waste case study: 3 km buffer zones (blue) around the rail network (red)

Proximity map for hotels in Happy Valley

Proximity map for hotels in Happy Valley

Raster GIS filter operations(neighbourhood function)

Raster GIS filter operations(neighbourhood function)

DEM of the Rocky Mountains, Colorado

DEM of the Rocky Mountains, Colorado

Results of remoteness model compared to simple linear distance

Results of remoteness model compared to simple linear distance

Map Overlay

Vector overlays

Vector overlays

Point-in-polygon analysis

Point-in-polygon analysis

Radioactive waste case study

Radioactive waste case study

Raster Overlay

Raster overlays

Raster overlays

Issues affecting vector and raster overlay

Four different interpolation methods applied to sampled terrain data

Four different interpolation methods applied to sampled terrain data

Constructing a Thiessen polygon net

Constructing a Thiessen polygon net

Spatial moving average in (a) vector and (b) raster GIS

Spatial moving average in (a) vector and (b) raster GIS

Inverse distance weighting

Inverse distance weighting

Issues with IDW

Issues with IDW

Surface analysis

Slope and Aspect

Slope Definitions

Slope Definitions (cont.)

Slope Definitions (cont.)

Slope and Aspect

Typical Slope Calculation


Modelling incoming solar radiation in Happy Valley (a–f) representing morning to evening during a winter’s day. Arrows show the sun’s direction

Modelling incoming solar radiation in Happy Valley (a–f) representing morning to evening during a winter’s day. Arrows show the sun’s direction

Slope curvature and feature extraction

Slope curvature and feature extraction

Ray tracing for visibility analysis

Ray tracing for visibility analysis

Results of viewshed analyses for single point and linear feature

Results of viewshed analyses for single point and linear feature

Network data analysis: allocation of ski school to clients on a network

Network data analysis: allocation of ski school to clients on a network